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Ningbo Zhenli Machinery Co., Ltd

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Website:  en.nbhwmj.com

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Product attributes

  • Classification:Eccentric buckle
  • Product number:1561473328
  • Number of views:0
  • Release date:2022-07-27
  • Product overview

Usually, tensioner manufacturers tensioner devices bundle items of straps need relatively flexible adjustment mechanisms to facilitate the installation and adjustment of the length of the straps. Colleagues also need locking mechanism with relatively stable locking function to lock the strap to a constant length, and the existing common eccentric buckle to achieve, but the traditional eccentric buckle body and handle is not easy to separate. Engage each other, eccentric buckle body and manual tensioner in adjusting the length of the belt fixed separately, the operation is very inconvenient, the traditional eccentricity when the buckle is installed on the belt, the belt adjustment is not convenient tightening is not easy.


Website of this article:http://en.nbhwmj.com/product/788.html

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Website: www.nbhwmj.com

Address: No.51 Baotong Road, Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou, Ningbo, China

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